Fashion Makerspace

FASHION MAKERSPACE is a co-operative, combining community, fashion design and dressmaking. We are an independent space for kids, teens and adults to pick up new skills, upgrade and sustain the love for creating clothing and accessories.

Our fun and interactive syllabus for kids introduce the little ones to fabric and sewing crafts, empowering kids to immerse in their creativity and bring their imaginations to life!

FASHION MAKERSPACE aspires to bring maker culture and craftsmen skills back into the designers’ hands. We want to provide a creative and supportive platform for fashion enthusiasts, designers and hobbyists.

Come breathe new life into FASHION with that Do-It-Yourself attitude!

What you can do with us:

Classes include Digital fashion design on CAD software, basic pattern-drafting and sewing techniques and family-centric workshops.

We offer production for your designs, costumes or uniforms. Mannequin customization or costume-mounting services are also available.

Please get in touch for space leasing options for project-based needs and/or co-sewing workspace.

A community of makers. Truly.

Reviews of Classes by Fashion Makerspace

Fun Saturday.

The lesson was well paced for a beginners class. The instructor, Rachael, was friendly and helpful. The environment was pleasant too.

Fast-paced but Great Intro to Sewing Machine

A little fast for the inexperienced - you might find yourself struggling to sew in straight/round lines and keeping up with the class as there is quite a bit to take in for a first encounter with the sewing machine. However, you can also feel comfortable enough to raise questions or for help during class time so I will still recommend this to all who are interested to get started with the sewing machine :) One other thing: I wish more time/materials was given to experiment the tension/height of the stitch for the sew though...

hands on

It was good. It will be good if the lesson is 2.5hrs long


Location was changed but was not made knob


Lesson and trainer was good. Trainer is interactive between students which is really good.

See 91 more reviews
Lesson Provider Profile

Fashion Makerspace
