Singapore Kungfu

Welcome to our Martial Arts Club's website. We offer to the people of Singapore the acclaimed Chinese Martial Arts in our enjoyable & rewarding martial arts training. We conduct Private Training, Corporate & Group Classes in the form of :

- Fitness Bootcamp with Kung Fu Conditioning
- Self Defense Courses
- Shaolin Kung Fu (少林功夫)
- Hung Gar Kuen (洪拳)
- Hainan Kung Fu (海南拳)
- Traditional Chinese Weapons (兵器)
- Qigong Training (气功)

Our Martial Arts Club is led by Coach Leroy Kwok. Since 2012, we are known worldwide through our exchange programs, public martial arts performances & seminars, and media coverage on Singapore's TV stations & newspapers e.g. mediacorp channel 5 & 8 and The Newpaper.
We are a Martial Arts Club with traditional values of kindness, honesty, sincerity & hospitality. While we pride ourselves in giving our students self defense skills & physical fitness that comes from our high quality training, Our ultimate goal is the overall development of our students' Martial Arts Spirit & Sportsmanship. We firmly believe that Chinese Martial Arts' highest purpose is to help shape a better person to live The Best Life Possible.

Lesson Provider Profile

Singapore Kungfu
