SG Blue Hat LLP

SG Blue Hat is a company specializes in coding, robotics.

For coding programs, we have Scratch, Snap for Arduino and Makecode for Micro:bit. These programming platforms are graphical block based programming language which is easy for kids to learn computational thinking.

Snap for Arduino can interface with Arduino microcontroller and other external sensors & actuators such as motors, etc. Makecode is a platform from Microsoft and it can interface with Micro:bit microcontroller and external sensors & actuators. These two platforms enable kids to pick up concepts and skills in basic robotics.

We also have a program that teach kids to build an obstacle avoidance robotic smart car. The smart car uses infrared sensor & ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacle. It can be controlled via Bluetooth. The microcontroller used is either Arduino or Micro:bit. In this course, kids will learn to build a robotic smart car from its parts and program it.

Lesson Provider Profile

SG Blue Hat LLP
