Zaruna Healing

Zaruna Healing is a Self Proprietorship owned by Parul. She is a Holistic & Wellness Coach specialising in various forms of Yoga (Atma Kriya Yoga, Traditional Hatha Yoga, Kids Yoga & Pre & Post Natal Yoga), Meditation & different modalities (Mudra, OM Chanting. Reiki & Sound Healing).

She works in partnership with teachers, trainers and Ayurvedic doctor from various fields related to physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being. She believes in the power of Self and believes in harmony of body and mind.

She herself teaches and practices Atma Kriya Yoga, Breath Works, Meditation and Energy and Sound Healing. She takes group, individual and online sessions.

Atma Kriya Yoga (Embrace the Divine Within): Atma Kriya Yoga is the most powerful form of Yoga that helps you optimise your inner strength to achieve your desired inner goals.

Traditional Hatha Yoga: Hatha is made up of two words; Ha meaning “Sun” and meaning “Moon”. It refers to the balance of Male energy: Active, Hot, Sun and Female energy: Receptive, Cool, Moon within all of us. Hence Hatha Yoga is a path of finding balance by uniting opposites.

Pre Natal Yoga is designed specifically for pregnant women. It is gentle and safe way for expectant mothers to stay active and healthy during pregnancy. It focuses on poses that can help to strengthen the lower back and pelvic muscles, as well as improve circulation and reduce stress. It includes breathing and relaxation techniques, which is helpful during labor and delivery

Post Natal Yoga designed specifically for women who have recently given birth. It can help to restore the body and mind after the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy, childbirth, and caring for a newborn. Postnatal yoga includes gentle stretches and strengthening exercises to help the body recover and return to its pre-pregnancy state.

Kids Yoga is specifically designed for children. It is a fun and interactive way for kids to learn about the physical and mental benefits of yoga. Kids yoga classes often include yoga poses, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and interactive activities. It can help to improve flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as enhance focus, concentration, and relaxation.

Meditation: Simple yet effective techniques on Meditation for Children and Adults that help us connect with the breath and feel the love grow in our heart area

Breath Works increases awareness about ourselves, helps deal with stress, anxiety, and hypertension while improving the functioning of the lungs. It is the foundation of all other Yoga postures.

Reiki, also known as Universal life energy, is an intelligent energy capable of addressing deep-rooted phobias, depression etc. Distance Reiki and hands on Reiki options are available. It is highly beneficial for Humans and Animals.

Sound Bath is a gentle, yet powerful, experience for the mind and body. It uses the vibrations of the human voice and other objects that resonate: Gongs, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tuning forks, Chimes, Tingsha to increase relaxation and stimulate healing. It invites participants to deepen their rest and relaxation and explore self-inquiry. Both individual & Group sessions are available.

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    Zaruna Healing
