iLearnToAnimate is created to provide an enjoyable learning experience in digital media trainings. All classes has been thoughtfully designed to deliver a well paced curriculum to allow sufficient time for learners to experience and understand the content. Class content includes interactive classroom activities to bring about active learning environment for all learners.

What students think about iLearnToAnimate lessons:

  • Very enlightening lesson! Very enjoyable, adequately paced with an attentive teacher. - Jason -
  • Okay, good course structure. Thanks for organising this for the kids! - Hiong Poh -
  • Fun and interesting. I learn how to do 3d animation using computer. Complicated but fun. - Lee Jia Jin -
  • This class is very interesting as I never used Autodesk Maya before. The website is easy to understand and the instructor clarifies any doubts you have. Overall, this is a great course and I would like to participate again if possible. - Lin Jay -

Nash Lin, founder of iLearnToAnimate, is a digital concept developer who creates and manages projects with the digital media industry. Nash Lin is WSQ certified ACTA trainer in November 2016. He is a multimedia trained artist and specialises in 2D and 3D animation. Nash Lin is also a multimedia trainer since 2008, teaching students in multimedia arts such as drawing, 2d production, 3D modeling and animations, motion graphics and video editing, etc.

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