Craftpreneurs of SG Pte Ltd

About CraftPreneurs of SG (CSG)

CraftPreneurs of SG Pte Ltd is a social enterprise of SingYouth Hub, a charity registered in Singapore. CSG is a private limited company registered under Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) (UEN: 202015712E). Our mission is to empower the people of Singapore to live a purposeful, happy and active life by connecting people of all ages to create crafts together. We sell handmade crafts and conduct craft workshops for participants from all walks of life. This includes seniors whom we believe would benefit from craft making, thereby helping to promote active ageing lifestyle. 50% of CSG profits goes back to charities.

We offer 3 types of crafts:
1) NIJI craft: an art form that involves colourful corrugated papers that are shaped and glued to form beautiful decorative designs
2) Quilling: an art form that involves thin strips of paper that are rolled, shaped and glued together to create decorative designs.
3) Upcycling craft: uses beverage, snack, food and other plastic wrappers to make products such as bags, tissue pouches, pencil holders etc

Lesson Provider Profile

Craftpreneurs of SG Pte Ltd
