Anytime Mandarin Language Academy

With Anytime Mandarin, now you can learn Mandarin anytime, anywhere you want!

"As time passed, many vocabs which I have learnt have been forgotten, but the ATM’s grammar structures are still vivid in my mind." - Chris Marquis, Anytime Mandarin graduate.

Vocabularies are easily remembered, but as easily forgotten. In contrast, grammar structures are not easy to understand, but once you grasp and use them, they are internalized and become part of you.

We don't use just one textbook, but extract the essence from various textbooks. So that you can Learn Faster and Learn Better!

Need customized learning? We Can Help! Anytime Mandarin offers a complete, personalized solution of learning Chinese that really works.

Our VIP service has four main components:

  • Expert Consultation
  • Study Material Recommendation
  • 1-on-1 Tutoring
  • Conversation Practice

Our courses adopt the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Methodology, which:

  • Emphasizes interactions
  • Learn and practice the target language through: (1) interactions with one another and the instructor (2) the study of real-life texts (3) the practical use of the language both inside and outside of the classroom
  • Focuses on the teacher being a facilitator, rather than an instructor.
  • Does not use a textbook series but works on developing sound oral/verbal skills prior to reading and writing.

To find out more, join our online free trial class now at

Classes by Anytime Mandarin Language Academy

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Anytime Mandarin Language Academy
