Anahata Yoga Singapore

Welcome to Anahata

is located in a row of old shop houses along Arab Street. We have 2 Practice Studios – Agni Studio for Hot Yoga and the Bhakti Studio for room temperature classes.

Small Class Size

Our teacher-student ratio is 1:18 for Agni Studio and 1:16 for Bhakti Studio to ensure students have the full attention of our dedicated teachers.

Facilities provided:

- Mats
- Bath & Mat Towel
- Water Fountain
- Shower & Changing facilities (separately for female & male) with day lockers, body soap and hair dryers

Love Your Mat

We request all students to wipe down their own mats after each class with eco-friendly anti septic spray and towels provided. We would like to create a good personal hygienic environment and building bonds by sharing, caring, and respect for yourself and for all around us.

Love Our Environment

Respect for the environment is one of the top priority at Anahata. Our yoga accessories are made from eco-friendly materials and we aim to create no unnecessary waste from plastic or paper. Please bring your own reusable water bottle or use cups provided by our studio to hydrate yourself. Don’t forget to bring your own bag for your sweaty yoga gears!

Lesson Provider Profile

Anahata Yoga Singapore
