Comprehensive Java Training Bundle


Comprehensive Java Training Bundle

Price : $38.00

This lesson is E-learning lesson.

About the Class

  • Class Level: All Levels

What You'll Learn

Objectives of Java Training:

Java in our Java Training is more than a programming language….it is a technology. Java Training has the following aims and objectives:

  • It seeks to eliminate difficulties of other languages such as pointer arithmetic and memory management that affects the strength of the code
  • Java aims to streamline the code
  • It is an object oriented program to provide visualization in real life terms
  • The programming language provides an interpreted environment
  • It is suited for running programs with more than one thread of activity
  • A method to change programs dynamically through their runtime life is offered through code modules
  • Checking loaded modules increases security of this programming language.
  • Who should learn Java Training?

    Anyone can and should learn Java Training because this language can be mastered by novices and experts alike. Creating computer programs to perform tasks for individuals is the essence of Java. Java Training is ideal for those who want to learn more sophisticated computer programming languages to improve their logical thinking. They can also program in an object oriented world using this programming language to create robust web applications. From software developers to students, Java is as important as can be. In fact, Java Training is a wake-up call for those who do not want to be left behind in the field of technology.

    While learning this Java Training programming language, you acquire thinking skills as a programmer and learn the programming languages such as HTML and C# which become easier to master. From interns and college going adults to workers in companies and corporate sectors, Java Training is the perfect move to start learning programming languages and the ins and outs of coding.

    Why Learn Java Training?

    • Easy to Learn

    Java is extremely easy to learn and has a client English like syntax. It also has the least number of magic characters which make it easier to understand and learn this program more effectively.

    • OOP Offers Opportunities

    Java is also a very popular choice as a programming language because it is an OOP or object oriented programming language. Developing such an application is simpler and assists in keeping the system flexible, modular and extensible. Knowledge of key OOP concepts like Abstraction and Encapsulation enables programmers to be acquainted with extensive best practices and design patterns within the library. This programming language of Java Training has the distinction of being one of the few programming languages that is close to 100 percent object oriented programming.

    • Rich API Provides A Wealth of Learning Options in Java Training

    Java programming is a huge success because it has a rich API and is highly visible as it comes with Java installation. Java provides API for everything from FML parsing, database connection, networking utilities and I/O and whatever remains is covered by open source libraries such as Google Guava which offer fruitful scope for growth.

    • Strong Development Tools like Eclipse Outshine Their Contemporaries

    Eclipse and Netbeans have a huge role to play in making Java one of the top programming languages. They help in code completion and serve as powerful debuggers for real world development. IDE or Integrated Development Environment makes Java development a fun filled, simple and interesting progress. Java platform also has other tools for building Java apps such as ANT and Maven.

    • Expanding Collection of Open Source Libraries

    Open source libraries ensure that Java can be used anywhere and everywhere Open source libraries offered by Apache, Google and other organizations make Java development light on the pocket and easy to follow. Java development follows best practices of software craftsmanship promoting use of design patterns which ensure the task is 100% complete.

    • Excellent Support from the Community

    Community is one of the most important strengths of Java programming. A language can only survive and thrive if a community supports and helps its development. Beginners, intermediate and expert Java programmers are ever willing to lend a helping hand and open source organizations, active forums, Stackoverflow and Java user groups are there to help everyone.

    • The Best Things in Life Are Free and Java is One of Them

    If a programmer wants to learn a language or an organization wants to use a programming system, cost is always an important consideration. You don’t need to pay a single dime to create a Java application and freedom to choose and make independent decisions is what counts for any programmer. Java is also preferred for strategic development because finding skilled programmers in this field is easy.

    • Documentation Support that is Comprehensive

    Javadoc is a wonderful piece of documentation that makes learning 100% easy and IDE further simplifies the picture.

    #9 Platform Independence Offers Freedom in Java Training

    One of the main reasons why Java Training is so popular is the idea of platform independence. In fact, Java’s tag line is write once, run anywhere. Java apps are developed in Windows platform mostly. They also run in open source platform.

    • Java Transcends Barriers

    Java is everywhere from desktop to mobile and card. Java programmers easily outnumber other professional programmers and offers excellent community resources in the bargain.

    What are the pre-requisites of learning Java Training?

    Java Training has absolutely zero perquisites for learning the language. Much like other programming languages, Java Training has its own syntax for declaring local variables or functions called methods. Counter based loops, while-do loops, do-while loops and for loops etc. These are some of the ways to execute a tasks several times over. Java Training introduces fresh though streams to experienced programmers.

    Java Training learning is easier if you have some idea of OOP because Java’s main strength comes from this attribute. You need to think logically, be able to write code and imagine in blocks to define classes as well as read and understand technical language as well as notation. Knowledge of computer memory and pattern based thinking are added advantages for

    Java Training.

    Java Training can be learnt without knowing any other programming languages. Prior knowledge is not needed to commence programming. Java Training a great first language to learn and if you want to short circuit the process, learning Python or any other good scripting language is a good step forward.

    Advantages/Uses of the Java Training

    Java is one programming language which has multiple benefits. Here are some of its advantages and obvious payoffs of Java Training.

    • Java Training has unique features

    It is easy to learn and use. It is also easier to write, compile, learn and debug as against other programming languages. It is also object oriented which when decoded means you can come up with reusable code and create modular programs. Java is also platform independent and can be moved from one system to another at source and binary levels. It’s cross platform capacities and security features make it the language of choice for coders and programmers worldwide.

    • Java can be run anywhere once it is written

    The core value proposition of the Java platform has been identified by Sun as “Write once, run anywhere” meaning the application code has to be written only once for the Java platform and be able to run it anywhere. It is integrated into all major OSs and built into popular web browsers. This makes it easy to run on any PC, consumer electronic device or cell phone in the world.

    • Security features make Java 100% safe

    Another key benefit of Java Training is its security features, the language as well as its platform has been designed keeping security in mind and it cannot infect the host system or read or write files from the hard drive making it a truly unique platform. Security related bugs have been found and fixed faster in this type of programming language than any other.

    • Network centric programming makes Java Training unbeatable

    Java makes it simple to work with resources across a network and create network based applications through client/server or multi-tier architectures. In the world of programming software, Java Training offers a serious head-start in the network economy.

    • Java unites the world

    Java language and platform have been designed keeping the rest of the world in mind and Java uses 16 bit Unicode characters representing phonetic alphabets and ideographic character sets across the entire globe. Internationalization is not restricted to low level character representation.

    • Byte codes provide a taste of portability

    Java programs are compiled to a portable intermediate form called byte codes rather than native machine language instructions. JVM runs a Java programs through portable byte code instructions. These programs are faster than purely interpreted languages and this is a welcome turnaround from native machine language instructions. Performance plus portability make Java Training an excellent choice among programming languages.

    Industry Applications of Java Training:

    Java Training can be used across industries because it is built for applications on workstations, personal computers and servers and also applied to embedded devices like PDAs, telephones and set top boxes. Java apps for industries include remote monitoring and maintenance from desktop browser through inter or intra net. Java Training has many benefits and features making it ideal for enterprises:

    • Open Source
    • Stack Object Allocation
    • Highly Secure
    • Reusable codes
    • Dynamic behavior and nature

    IT has innovative trends including multiple stream and platforms to develop applications or products. Java is one of the most popular platforms for developing several applications for the system as well as embedded devices like mobile, laptops and many more. It is useful for smart card applications, server side enterprise applications and mobile applications.

    Java Training Conclusion:

    Numerous job opportunities in Java combining J2EE with new technologies has opened up a whole new world for programmers. Java offers a sea of possibilities after the advent of C++. It has served as a backbone of new services and products and allows innovation and quality systems which address business needs. Self sustaining from mobile to middleware, Java has scope for making waves as technology advances.

    Fee Includes

    Price: $38.00

    Usual Price : $115.00

    Why Book Through LessonsGoWhere?

    • Booking is safe. When you book with us, your details are protected by a secure connection.
    • Secure your slot instantly. Book classes with us and your seat is confirmed immediately.
    • Earn Reward Points. This class will earn you upto 152 reward points. Points can be used for a discount off your next class!

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    Together with eduCBA, we bring you an amazing course on Comprehensive Java Training Bundle

    Java Training Course Bundle:

  • Java Training: A Popular Programming Language with a Difference
  • Like any other language in the world, Java language has its own rules of syntax and structure. Additionally, it follows a particular programming paradigm. Java language supports OOP or object oriented programming. This is a C language derivative so it has much in common with the syntax rules of this programming language. Code blocks are, for example, are modularized into methods and braces delimit them. Variables are declared prior to their usage.
  • Java Training comes in big packages
  • Java is a language which structurally starts with packages. The package is basically the namespace mechanism. Going further into this, classes are contained within packages. There are different components within the classes such as methods, variables, constants and more.
  • Java Compiler composes the bytecode
  • When you program for the Java platform, source code is written in Java file and then compiled. Compiler checks the code against the syntax rules of the language known as the bytecode. Bytecode is set of instructions targeted on JVM or Java Virtual Machine. Java compilers offer from others which write out instructions.
  • What is the JVM?
  • Java Virtual Machine reads and interprets .class files and executes the instructions of the program on native hardware platform. JVM interprets the bytecode much like assembly language instruction is interpreted by the CPU. JVM is written for a specific platform.
  • Java…the write once, run anywhere principle
  • JVM runs on the “write on, read anywhere” principle and the code can also run on a chipset for which the JVM implementation is available. For major platforms such as Windows and Linux, subsets of Java language have been implemented.
  • Java Training…memory management out of the box
  • Rather than keeping up with memory allocation or using third party libraries, Java provides memory management out of the box. This means that when the Java application creates an object instance within the run time, memory space for the object is allocated by the JVM automatically from a heap- pool of memory set aside for programs to use.

    The Java garbage collector, called so because it keeps track of objects that are no longer needed by apps and reclaims memory from them, it is a handy tool for implicit memory management as it does not require any memory handling code. This is one of the essential features of Java platform performance.

  • Java Development Kit…prebuilt utilities for accomplishing tasks
  • A JDK OR Java Development Kit gets a complete class of library of prebuilt utilities that help in accomplishing common app development tasks in addition to the compiler and other tools. Java Runtime Environment or JRE is inclusive of the JVM, code libraries and components needed for running programs written in Java language. JRE can be used for varied platforms and freely redistributed with applications.

    JDK consists of a set of command line tools for compiling as well as running the Java code including a complete copy of JRE. Though these tools can be used to develop apps, additional functionality and task management as well as unique interface of an IDE is considered far better. Java perspective contains tools needed to start writing the applications in this programming language.

    Java Training: Some Basic Concepts

    Java language is object oriented mostly. This means that it defers from structural programming. While structured programming paradigm is highly data oriented, object oriented language such as Java combines data and program instructions into objects. So, what is an object? Java Training is a self-contained entity with specific attributes and behavior.

    In object oriented languages like Java, data and program logic are combined whereby parent objects serve as structural basis for complex child objects. In Java Training terminology, objects talk to others by sending messages called method calls. In object oriented application, program code specifies the activities among objects to perform tasks within given app domain. Object is a discrete entity that has necessary dependencies on other objects.

    State is an important concept in object oriented programming represented by the value of its attributes. The defining principles of OOP are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Object’s discreteness is the principle of encapsulation at work. This is one of the most powerful features of this programming language. Through the property of inheritance, specialized classes without additional code can copy attributes and behaviors of source classes that they specialize. Polymorphism is a concept whereby objects that belong to the same branch of a hierarchy can sent the same message and manifest this behavior in a different way.

    Java Training is not purely object oriented however. Not everything in the language is an object, as against purely object oriented languages such as Smalltalk. Java provides tools needed to follow OOP principles and some discipline in code writing is essential. Much like any other programming language, Java designates certain words that are recognized as special by the compiler. The following are the list of reserved words in Java Training:

    assert abstract boolean break
    byte case catch char
    class const continue default
    do double else enum
    extends final finally float
    for goto if implements
    import instance int interface
    long native new package
    private protected public return
    short static strictfp super
    switch synchronized this throws
    throw transient try void
    volatile while

    Class defines the basic structure of the object and serves as a blueprint for the discrete entity comprising attributes and behavior. Names are chosen for classes and packages provide a good way to create complex applications with discrete units of functionality. The class’s methods define its behavior. A constructor method is used to create an instance of a class. Various other methods can be used for any aspect of application behavior. Combination of structural elements in the definition of a method is known as its signature. To instantiate a class, construction has to be specified. Methods can be named and there are static as well as instance methods. While instance methods depend on the state of a specific object for their behavior, static methods are called class methods as their behavior is not dependent on a single object state.

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    Have a question about LessonsGoWhere? We've collected all your questions and our answers into a convenient list here. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at

    Q: What's LessonsGoWhere?
    A: (LGW) is Singapore's first online marketplace to list, discover and book in-person courses. You can shop, compare and review lessons on LGW, across areas like Baking, Cooking, Music, Fitness, Yoga and even Exotic lessons!

    Q: Are the classes I find on LessonsGoWhere online lessons or are they conducted in real life?
    A: All the classes you can find on LessonsGoWhere are lessons that are conducted in real life, by real people. We sincerely believe in the importance of the human touch and that we can build bonds and relationships through shared passions. Would you like to learn SCUBA diving through an online tutorial? We didn't think so.

    Q: Who are the teachers in the classes available on LessonsGoWhere?
    A: The classes on LessonsGoWhere are taught by professional trainers, instructors, chefs and coaches, as well as passionate individuals who want to share their experience and knowledge. LessonsGoWhere does not restrict lessons from freelancers or other qualified individuals. However, we are very strict on the quality of lessons and if we receive complaints regarding the quality of the lessons from our users, we will not hesitate to take action in removing the lessons and banning the lesson provider.

    Q: What types of lessons are offered on LessonsGoWhere?
    A: There are a wide range of lessons on various topics and areas of interest on LGW. The main categories right now are Baking, Cooking, Music, Sports, Art, Yoga and Exotic lessons. However, we are always looking out for more lessons to add to the marketplace. If there's a particular category of lessons you'd like to see, please don't hesitate to let us know at

    Q: Are the lessons real? Will I get scammed if I book classes on LGW?
    A: The lessons are definitely real. All lessons are uploaded and checked by a team of hardworking elves (the founders of LGW) who work tirelessly and through late nights to ensure that the details are accurate. All lesson providers are also contracted with LGW to provide the lessons. We back our lessons up with a 100% Refund Policy. In the scenario that a lesson is cancelled, we GUARANTEE that we will refund you 100% of the fess paid. The security of our customers is our number 1 priority. If you have any queries on the lessons or the security of the website, do not hesitate to email us at

    Q: Why do I need to pay immediately?
    A: We require that you pay for the lesson in full before you are issued an email confirmation of your booking for the lessons. There will be costs incurred by the instructor before the lesson commences, and your payment not only immediately confirms your booking, but will enable us to pay the lesson provider immediately!

    Q: Why should I book and pay for my lessons on
    A: In cases of disagreement between you and the lesson provider, LGW will have a copy of your booking details logged with us and can also withhold payment from the lesson provider. Your booking details will be helpful should any disputes arise in terms of bookings and payments. Also, with the wide variety of lessons on LGW, you can immediate compare and choose your choice of classes at your convenience! You can also contribute to the community by reviewing the classes and lessons you've attended, earning you Reward Points, and also helping potential students make better choices and their reviews will benefit you too!

    Q: What happens after I've made payment?
    A: Once you've confirmed payment for the lessons of your choice, you will receive an email confirmation from us, letting you know the date, time and location of the lesson. On the day itself, simply present the email confirmation to the lesson provider and you will be able to attend the lesson!

    Q: What happens if I cannot attend the lesson?
    A: In the case that after you have booked your lesson, but are unable to attend, let us know immediately. Email us at We will try our best to transfer your booking to another time, or if you prefer, to a friend. While we cannot refund your payment if you are unable to attend, let us know and we will try out best to accommodate you!

    Q: What if the lesson provider asks for more money when I arrive?
    A: The pricing information for each lesson is clearly stated on each listing and will also note what is or is not included. If you encounter a lesson provider who asks for more money on top of the payment you have already made to us, please contact us immediately at and we will try our best to rectify the situation.

    Q: Do the fees include equipment and location rentals (if necessary)?
    A: While some lesson providers will include equipment and facility bookings with the fee, others might not. Don't worry though, the pricing information is clearly stated on each listing and will also note what is or is not included. If you are still in doubt after checking the listing, you can email us at and we will clarify the issue for you.

    Q: What happens if I pay for a lesson and the lesson provider cancels or doesn't respond?
    A: Don't worry! If the lesson is cancelled or if you are unable to get a response from the lesson provider, email us at and we will refund you 100% of the fees you paid.

    Q: My friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/family member wishes to attend the lesson as well, can I book for them too?
    A: Yes! Learning is always an experience best shared. It's also a great activity to bond over! If you have others who are interested in attending the lesson as well, simply book the appropriate number of slots for the lesson and they can accompany you. Book fast though! Most lessons only have a limited number of slots available and if you aren't fast enough, you might not be able to secure the slots for them!

    Q: Should I leave a review after I've attended the lesson?
    A: Definitely! Not only do other students benefit from your review of the lesson, you will also receive Reward Points for your review! You can use those Reward Points as a discount off your future lessons too! Everyone benefits!

    Q: Are the reviews posted on LGW true?
    A: Each review posted on LGW will be monitored by our administration team. We try our best to create a helpful and engaging community and we do not like foul language, sexual themes, trolls or spammers. But yes, all reviews are unedited by us and are the opinions of the reviewer.

    Q: Are you Baking and Cooking courses Halal certified?
    A: Halal certification is a type of certification given only to restaurants. Most of our classes use pork free ingredients. For more information, please get in touch with us to find out more!

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