Guest Blogging for LessonsGoWhere

Thursday, 16 February, 2017 2:55 AM

Have you heard of guest blogging? Guest blogging is a great way to establish yourself as an authority figure within your market and build relationships with other bloggers and experts within your field. By offering some posts up for other sites to publish, you can reach many more people who can carry over to your site and become subscribers and even customers to your lessons.

LGW is thrilled to announce that we are officially opening up LGW blog for guest blogging submissions.

If you understand the power of guest blogging and its ability to increasing your presence on the Internet and the amount of traffic to your site, you are ready to build lasting relationships with your potential customers that can help your business in more ways than one.

LGW guest blogging

Why should I write for LGW blog?

Blogging for LGW may help you build your reputation and further your business. As a LGW Provider, you have the privilege of writing for us. Not only will you get a lot exposure and credibility, you have the potential to connect and expand your own customer base.

Some of the reasons to consider blogging for LGW:

LessonsGoWhere at a glance... (As of 31 Jan 2017)

  • 1,100+ lesson(s) providers
  • 6,000+ lessons spanning over 50+ categories including eLearning
  • 60,000+ and growing monthly unique visitors
  • 175,000+ and growing monthly page views
  • 500,000+ and growing social media followers
  • 50,000+ eNewsletter subscribers

Here are some digital marketing outreaches we adopt:

  • For social media, we do daily posting and promotion (on categories) across all relevant platforms.
  • For email, we do weekly promotions on categories, promotions and other relevant content through our eNewsletter

We have a LGW Providers Support Group to encourage open access and support for one another in the LGW ecosystem. Every member of this community plays an important role in bringing the ecosystem forward, one step at a time. We look forward to you joining this community as well!

Other advantages include:

  • Build strong relationships
  • Increase business opportunities
  • Reaching the right target audience
  • Gaining linkages

When you produce high-quality blogs, guest blogging is one of the top internet marketing strategies! Don't produce content for the sake of SEO and short term link building, produce content that provides insight (while being helpful and interesting) is key. This in turn, will draw more traffic to your business.

If you are keen to share your expertise with a large audience of potential customers, we would love to hear from you.

Please take some time to review this entire page - it should answer most (if not all of the) questions you have about what kind of content we're looking for and how the submission process works.

*** What Every Post Need

First of all, keep your blog post to 500–1,000 words range. Successful guest contributions are comprehensive, data-driven, and interesting posts that teach our readers something new and interesting. LGW is looking at a couple of things in every submission:

  • A brand story, how-to guide, interesting sharing about your LGW Provider Profile and any other related content.
  • Original concepts, compelling arguments, and high-quality writing. We will not republish anything that's been published elsewhere. This is due to a couple of SEO reasons, so I do hope you understand.
  • We aim to be casual, yet helpful, and typically we stay away from buzzwords and jargon.
  • Proper attribution of data, quotations, and outside content via URL links referenced in the article.
  • No more than one link to your personal or company's website in the body of the post.

*** What LGW Won't Accept

There are some things LGW can't accept:

  • Anything that's been covered on our blog before. Please do a search of our blog before submitting your articles.
  • Anything that may be construed as a link-building scheme.
  • Anything that's too promotional for your company or organisation.
  • Anything that's offensive or inaccurate.
  • Anything that's overly critical of individuals or companies -- this is not a site to air grievances.

How to Submit Your Post

Please email info [at] lessonsgowhere [dot] com [dot] sg with the following:

  • Your completed post as an HTML file or Word Doc.
  • Image files (with attribution) in a separate folder. LGW blog is at least 800px wide.
  • Provide the URL to your Provider account (eg:
  • Short author bio (~ 50 words) including a maximum of one anchor text link to your own website (personal or company).

If your article meets editorial standards and aligns with our content strategy, we will respond to let you know your article will be published. That process may take up to 2 weeks.

LGW reserves the right to edit and adapt your guest blog content as we see fit, and update it in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness. LGW also reserves the right to include calls-to-action to other content, including but not limited to email newsletters, ebooks, and other content.

Sharing and Attribution Guide

  • Feel free to share links to any of the content by email and social media.
  • Feel free to reference or quote up to 10% of any of our text content (facts, figures, quotes, etc.) in your own blog articles, presentations, documents, etc.
  • Unfortunately, we can't let you republish in full any of our text-based content (blog articles, PDFs, PPTs, DOCs) on the web. Why? Because duplicated content is bad for SEO.
  • You cannot claim our content as your original ideas (i.e. using our content and publishing it on a channel as your own).
  • Attribute LGW as the source.
  • Link to the original LGW blog you're referencing via URL

We look forward to receiving your submissions!